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Showing posts from May, 2020
Hey guys! In this video I'll share the results of testing Quaker Oats as alternative to cocoyam in Nigerian soups.  Yes, this Bitterleaf Soup you see here was prepared with Quaker Oats! First, grind the oats with a dry mill such as a spice grinder or a coffee grinder. Boil some water. And mix it like this. Add hot water as necessary as you mix. For best results, use the quaker brand of oats.  I tried 2 other brands and they tasted like I used plain flour, that's allpurpose flour in the soup. Mix till smooth.  It should have the consistency of cocoyam paste, you know, when you pound cocoyam, that consistency. Then add to your Bitter leaf Soup or Ora Soup in small scoops.  I tell you, you won't even notice a difference between using this and cocoyam paste. The soup tastes the same and it looks the same.  But one point to note; quaker oats paste thickens soups much more than cocoyam paste. This means that for the same quantity of soup, you should us

Stomach Ache Relief Using Bitter Leaf

Stomach ache can be a terrible pain to deal with. Bitter leaves are the major agents that are recommended as a natural remedy for intestinal problems and stomach cramps. How to Relieve In cases of constipation, stomach ache and inflammation of the stomach, bitter leaf is a remedy. Chew the tender stem of the plant like a chewing stick and swallow the bitterness or extract the juice. Add a pinch of salt to three tablespoons for immediate relief. Other Ways to Relieve Stomach Ache Take calcium and magnesium supplements throughout the month, as these nutrients work in concert to aid muscle relaxation. A heating pad or hot water bottle is a simple, tried and true way to reduce muscle spasms. Caffeine, especially from coffee, is a well-known vasoconstrictor — it makes blood vessels constrict. Try cutting down Certain acupuncture points are thought to regulate blood flow through the abdominal cavity and relax the nervous system, which can help calm muscular contracti